object ConstructDlg: TConstructDlg Left = 457 Top = 1 Height = 435 Width = 405 object TitleIcon: TAOWImage Priority = 0 WinLeft = 20 WinTop = 5 AOWWindow = Dlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 20 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 5 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False ImageLib = IntGfxMod.TitleIcons AnimStart = 0 CurrentImage = 2 AnimEnd = 11 WinWidth = 19 WinHeight = 16 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 0 Left = 200 Top = 16 end object Close: TAOWButton Priority = 0 WinLeft = 323 WinTop = 4 AOWWindow = Dlg ToolTip = General.ToolTip ToolTipText.Strings = ( 'Closes the window.') CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 22 Alignment.TopOffset = 4 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False BorderHeight = 0 BorderHeightSelected = 0 ILIcon = IntGfxMod.GenericI ILIndexDown = 1 ILIndexLit = 2 ILIndexUp = 0 TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clBlack WinWidth = 15 OnClick = CancelBtnClick Left = 136 Top = 16 end object Title: TAOWLabel Priority = 0 WinLeft = 42 WinTop = 7 AOWWindow = Dlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 42 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 7 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True AOWFont = FontModule.Age10 Text = 'Construct' TextColor = clBlack Left = 80 Top = 16 end object BCeltL: TAoWFrame Priority = 0 WinLeft = 22 WinTop = 170 AOWWindow = Dlg CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 22 Alignment.RightOffset = 21 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 11 Masked = False WinWidth = 317 WinHeight = 27 FrameType = frHorizLine ILIndexFrame = 0 ILIndexLine = 55 ILIndexTexture = 0 ILLine = IntGfxMod.CeltDeco Left = 344 Top = 16 end object CancelBtn: TAOWButton Priority = 100 WinLeft = 198 WinTop = 170 AOWWindow = Dlg ToolTip = General.ToolTip CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 32 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 11 Masked = False AOWFont = FontModule.Age10 BorderHeight = 8 BorderHeightSelected = 9 ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB ILIndexDown = 22 ILIndexLit = 25 ILIndexUp = 19 Text = 'Cancel' TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clWhite WinWidth = 130 OnClick = CancelBtnClick Left = 224 Top = 176 end object ConstructBtn: TAOWButton Priority = 100 WinLeft = 32 WinTop = 170 AOWWindow = Dlg ToolTip = General.ToolTip CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 32 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 11 Masked = False AOWFont = FontModule.Age10 BorderHeight = 8 BorderHeightSelected = 9 ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB ILIndexDown = 22 ILIndexLit = 25 ILIndexUp = 19 Text = 'Construct' TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clWhite WinWidth = 130 OnClick = ConstructBtnClick Left = 136 Top = 176 end object Dlg: TAOWWindow OnKeyDown = DlgKeyDown Visible = False Priority = 300 WinLeft = 140 WinTop = 112 WinWidth = 360 Masked = True OnHide = DlgHide Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 WinManager = General.Manager UseVMem = False BorderWidth = 0 BorderHeight = 0 OverlapTopCorners = False Cursor = crDefault DoubleBuffered = True MaskColor = 6268490 FreeSurfaceOnHide = True ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF ILIndexFrame = 32 ILIndexTexture = 2 ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT DragHeight = 20 Draggable = True Resizable = False MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 MaxWidth = 0 MaxHeight = 0 UseManagerBorders = True Modal = True WinHeight = 208 Dockable = False Left = 40 Top = 16 end object ConstructPnl: TAOWPanel Priority = 0 WinLeft = 30 WinTop = 55 WinWidth = 300 Masked = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 30 Alignment.RightOffset = 30 Alignment.TopOffset = 55 Alignment.BottomOffset = 50 WinHeight = 103 AOWWindow = Dlg ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILIndexFrame = 105 ILIndexTexture = 18 OwnerItem = 0 MinWidth = 0 MinHeight = 0 Left = 40 Top = 72 end object ConstructionList: TAOWListBox Priority = 60 WinLeft = 1 WinTop = 14 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 29 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 2 Alignment.TopOffset = 14 Alignment.BottomOffset = 1 Masked = False WinWidth = 210 WinHeight = 88 AOWFont = FontModule.Age10 BorderWidth = 22 BorderHeight = 4 OnChange = ConstructionListChange OnDoubleClick = ConstructBtnClick Selected = -1 TextColor = 9402970 TextSelColor = clBlack ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILIndexFrame = 113 ILIndexTNormal = 19 ILIndexTSelected = 16 ItemHeight = 17 TextAlign = taLeft Left = 136 Top = 128 end object SortConstructionsBtn: TAOWButton Priority = 100 WinLeft = 1 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 29 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 1 Alignment.RightOffset = 2 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False AOWFont = FontModule.Age8 BorderHeight = 3 BorderHeightSelected = 4 ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB ILIndexDown = 88 ILIndexLit = 91 ILIndexUp = 85 Text = 'Source' TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clWhite WinWidth = 210 OnClick = SortConstructionsBtnClick Left = 136 Top = 72 end object SortConstructionCostBtn: TAOWButton Priority = 100 WinLeft = 210 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 70 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 14 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False AOWFont = FontModule.Age8 BorderHeight = 3 BorderHeightSelected = 4 ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB ILIndexDown = 88 ILIndexLit = 91 ILIndexUp = 85 Text = 'Cost' TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clWhite WinWidth = 48 OnClick = SortConstructionCostBtnClick Left = 224 Top = 72 end object ConstructionCostList: TAOWListBox Priority = 40 WinLeft = 210 WinTop = 14 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 70 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 14 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 14 Alignment.BottomOffset = 1 Masked = False WinWidth = 48 WinHeight = 88 AOWFont = FontModule.Age10 BorderWidth = 10 BorderHeight = 4 OnChange = ConstructionCostListChange OnDoubleClick = ConstructBtnClick Selected = -1 TextColor = 9402970 TextSelColor = clBlack ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILIndexFrame = 113 ILIndexTNormal = 19 ILIndexTSelected = 16 ItemHeight = 17 TextAlign = taLeft Left = 224 Top = 128 end object ConstructionTurnsList: TAOWListBox Priority = 30 WinLeft = 257 WinTop = 14 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 85 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 2 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 14 Alignment.BottomOffset = 1 Masked = False WinWidth = 43 WinHeight = 88 AOWFont = FontModule.Age10 BorderWidth = 10 BorderHeight = 4 VScrollBar = ConSB OnChange = ConstructionTurnsListChange OnDoubleClick = ConstructBtnClick Selected = -1 TextColor = 9402970 TextSelColor = clBlack ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF ILTextureNormal = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILTextureSelected = IntGfxMod.GenericT ILIndexFrame = 113 ILIndexTNormal = 19 ILIndexTSelected = 16 ItemHeight = 17 TextAlign = taLeft Left = 304 Top = 128 end object SortConstructionTurnsBtn: TAOWButton Priority = 100 WinLeft = 257 WinTop = 0 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 85 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 2 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False AOWFont = FontModule.Age8 BorderHeight = 3 BorderHeightSelected = 4 ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB ILIndexDown = 88 ILIndexLit = 91 ILIndexUp = 85 Text = 'Turns' TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clWhite WinWidth = 43 OnClick = SortConstructionTurnsBtnClick Left = 296 Top = 72 end object AOWLabel1: TAOWLabel Priority = 0 WinLeft = 83 WinTop = 30 AOWWindow = Dlg CaptureInput = False Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 42 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 30 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = True AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey Text = 'Select object to construct' TextColor = clBlack Left = 32 Top = 240 end object ConSB: TAOWVScrollBar Visible = False Priority = 30 WinLeft = 283 WinTop = 14 AOWWindow = ConstructPnl CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Min = 0 Max = 0 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 1 Position = 0 WinHeight = 88 WinWidth = 17 NumberVisible = 1 VanishWhenFull = True ILIInc = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILIDec = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILTBack = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILLTab = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILIndexIncUp = 96 ILIndexIncDown = 97 ILIndexDecUp = 94 ILIndexDecDown = 95 ILIndexBack = 101 ILIndexTab = 98 Left = 352 Top = 128 end object CeltM: TAOWImage Priority = 100 WinLeft = 167 WinTop = 170 AOWWindow = Dlg CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 10 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 11 Masked = False ImageLib = IntGfxMod.CeltDeco AnimStart = 0 CurrentImage = 3 AnimEnd = 12 WinWidth = 27 WinHeight = 27 Animate = False AnimFrameDelay = 0 Left = 275 Top = 24 end object AOWButton2: TAOWButton Priority = 100 WinLeft = 344 WinTop = 0 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False AOWFont = FontModule.Age8 BorderHeight = 3 BorderHeightSelected = 3 ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB ILIndexDown = 88 ILIndexLit = 91 ILIndexUp = 85 Text = 'Amount' TextColor = clBlack TextSelColor = clWhite WinWidth = 78 Left = 162 Top = 256 end object T4VSB: TAOWVScrollBar Priority = 10 WinLeft = 405 WinTop = 14 CaptureInput = True Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone Alignment.HeightPercent = 0 Alignment.WidthPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0 Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0 Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0 Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0 Alignment.LeftOffset = 0 Alignment.RightOffset = 0 Alignment.TopOffset = 0 Alignment.BottomOffset = 0 Masked = False Min = 0 Max = 7 SmallChange = 1 LargeChange = 4 Position = 0 WinHeight = 92 WinWidth = 17 NumberVisible = 4 VanishWhenFull = True ILIInc = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILIDec = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILTBack = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILLTab = IntGfxMod.GenericS ILIndexIncUp = 96 ILIndexIncDown = 97 ILIndexDecUp = 94 ILIndexDecDown = 95 ILIndexBack = 101 ILIndexTab = 98 Left = 210 Top = 304 end object Translator: TIvTranslator DictionaryName = 'AoW' Left = 8 Top = 16 TargetsData = ( 1 3 ( '' 'Items' 0) ( '' 'Text' 0) ( '' 'ToolTipText' 0)) end end